Correct CPR techniques are easy to learn and may save someone’s life!
Knowing how to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is an important part of learning CPR.
First Aid can also help you care for people in crisis and give you the opportunity to change someone’s life for the better.
Courses are designed for:
HEALTHCARE professionals and first responders
ANYONE with little or no medical training who needs a CPR certificate for job requirements
ANYONE wanting to be prepared for an emergency in any setting and wants a certificate
Church groups, community groups, new parents, grandparents, babysitters, and others who do not want/need a certificate
Course Information:
APPROVED CERTIFICATION through the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross
An individual completes an ONLINE course and then completes an IN-PERSON SKILLS TEST (hands-on experience with a manikin, AED, etc.) at an individual’s home or another convenient location
The Online course can be taken at an individual’s preferred time
Once the Online course is completed, a one-on-one Skills Test Session can be scheduled
Cost is very competitive (varies based on course desired) – call for pricing